About me

Hello! My name is Adrian Rondahl and is currently studying on a school called Playgroundsquad that is located in Sweden, Falun as Programmer.
As a programmer, I focus on making what I love to do and that is working different kind of tools that can help in feature development of the current project im working on.
Some tools that I have made:
- Debug menu - Sound interface - Particle system - Sprite
I also like to develop and plan up pipelines on different projects.
To always try new possibilities
What i mean by this is that i have always liked to try new problems/possibilities when it comes to programming. I vary much on what i am doing like UI, physics, AI, player/camera movements and collision. You can say that i am a generalist that always would like to try new problems.
Planning and constructing easy to advanced systems for others benefits
This is what i have always have loved to do, to plan up an automatic and cool system to then implement it to a game. It's the feeling about how i can make some kind of system so that other could use it to their benefit that drive me to become an programmer and still is. It is the same with making games. I have always liked the feeling when someone play and like a game that you are worked on, i would say that it is the same kind of felling as before only that i make a also is making a game that others can play and at the same time can make systems in the game technical side.